About Us

The children we care for will no longer be prey for those who seek to exploit them, and to provide them with the skills they need to have a prosperous future.

The Rescue Mission for Children Inc. began in 1994 and is registered as a Non-For-Profit, tax-exempt organisation in Australia. Its purpose is to raise funds to aid in the social advancement and economic development of the Akha Hill tribe group and its children, although its doors are open to any children in need of care.

Providing the funds to support vulnerable Hill Tribe children, giving medical & health care, nutritious food, shelter, an education and a safe haven from human traffickers.

Primary, secondary and tertiary education is empowering the children to become facilitators for development in their own communities.

The Rescue Mission for Children is located in the Mekong Highlands of Thailand, in the Provence of Chiang Rai.

Sponsorship Options

Tier 1: Sponsorship

Provides food & educational fees

Tier 2: Sponsorship

Provides health care, uniforms & all essentials

Tier 3: Operational Fund Donation

Any amount/month
Provides facility maintenance, electricity, water filtration & transport

Sponsor a Child   Donate Now

Support Our Projects

There are various projects we urgently need at the Rescue Mission for Children, most of the projects are for the upkeep and maintenance for the centre to operate and continue to function smoothly.

With your help and support, the Stateless children will  have a home and safety, education, clothing, bedding, caring house parents and  facilities, which will give the children the ability to learn and grow physically, mentally and spiritually.


Thai Language Teacher Wage

This project will benefit our 64 hill tribe children on their journey towards life changing education, they attend Thai primary/high schools, none of the children speak Thai on arrival. A Thai Language teacher will enable the children to engage, excel and enjoy learning. Please consider…


Renovation of Young Boys Dormitory

Our younger boys dormitory is in need of insulation to keep the children cooler in the summer heat and warm in the very cold winters of Northern Thailand. They need new doors, shelving or cupboards. This is an urgent project.


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How You Can Help

There are many ways you can help support the Rescue Mission for Children. Whether it’s through Child Sponsorship, Donate to ongoing projects or even purchasing one of the beautiful Handcrafts. With your support, these Stateless children will have medical/dental care, education, skills training and well maintained facilities.