About Us

What is the Rescue Mission for Children?

Rescue Mission for Children Inc. began in 1994 and is registered as a Non-For-Profit, tax-exempt organisation in Australia. Its purpose is to raise funds to aid in the social advancement and economic development of the Akha Hill tribe group and its children, although its doors are open to any vulnerable Hill tribe children in need of care. This is done in partnership with the Association of Development Assistance for Thai-Hilltribe Children Inc. (DAC Inc.) in Thailand and is a registered foundation under Thailand law.

100% of all donations raised are used for the purpose for which they are donated, we are a volunteer organisation with no admin fees charged and Board Members are fully self funded.

Management Committee Members

Lenore Dickson


Lenore is retired from Education Queensland as a Teacher Aide. She was previously employed by World Vision as a Youth Relationship Officer 2002-2011. Lenore served the Rescue Mission for Children in 2012-2013 as Acting Treasurer, she has since served as Secretary,Vice President and President 2014-2020. Lenore also served on Girl Guides Australia committees as President and Vice President for 5 years. She has fellowshiped at Genesis Christian Ministries for 20 plus years, Lenore is married with 3 adult children and 3 Grandchildren..

Barry Kelly

Vice President

Retired United States Air Force, culminating as a Lieutenant Colonel leading a 200 member engineering organisation. Former University of Queensland Deputy Director Buildings and Grounds, managing new construction and facilities maintenance of all university campuses. Barry is married to Junette and are both Parents and Grandparents. Rescue Mission for Children: Management Committee member since 2012.

Jennifer Stevens



Jessica Claassen


Jessica is a Special Needs Teacher , married to Ken with two beautiful daughters. Jessica has been a sponsor for many years and volunteered her time onsite in September 2013. Jessica is a board member of Genesis Christian Ministries.

DAC (Development Assistance for Thai-Hilltribe Children Inc.) Board  Members

Asa Jupoa


Asa is the co-founder of Rescue Mission for Children Inc. Australia. She is also the co-founder of DAC Inc. Thailand. Asa has worked for the organisation since 1994 and has rescued hundreds of vulnerable children. She is now the president of DAC Inc. Asa continues to rescue, educate and train the vulnerable children in Northern Thailand.

Amporn Jupoa


Amporn is a co-founder of DAC Inc. Amporn was the first manager of DAC Inc. Training Centre in northern Thailand. For the first 7 years of the organisation, she helped, rescued, educated and trained hundreds children as the manager of the Training Centre. Today, Amporn has gone on to develop her own farm and business, but still supports the organisation of DAC Inc.

Abusah Yerjae


Abusah was the second manager of DAC Inc. Training Centre. Abusah and Dang, her husband, have been involved with the organisation from the very beginning. Abusah and Dang managed the whole Training Centre and taught the children.

General Questions

Who are the Akha people

The Akha are one of the poorest and least developed hill tribe groups in Southeast Asia. Many of the population fled across the Myanmar border to Thailand fleeing from villages destroyed by Opium dealers, people traffickers and sex industry slave dealers. They are a stateless people and have no recognised citizenship in any country. Their communities face persecution, limited access to healthcare and education, exploitation, displacement and their children are at risk of being trafficked for slavery and gross human rights abuses. The Akha People live in northern Laos, western Myanmar, northern Thailand, northern Vietnam and southern China.

Where is the Site of the Rescue Mission for Children

The Rescue Mission for Children is located in the Mekong Highlands of Thailand, in the Provence of Chiang Rai. Chiang Rai is the northernmost province in Thailand and is one of the most rural areas in the country. Half of its northern border separates the province and the nation from Laos and is formed by the Mekong River.

How you can participate

The vision statement of Rescue Mission For Children is “the children we care for will no longer be prey for those who seek to exploit them, and to provide them with the skills they need to have a prosperous future” You can be a part of this vision through sponsorship of our children, by undertaking volunteering projects onsite, fundraising activities in Australia or overseas, advocacy for stateless hill tribe groups or becoming a committee member of Rescue Mission For Children Inc.

What are the Rescue Mission for Children’s Goals

  • Our goals are are always upgrading to cater for the changing world our children face, they include the following
  • To build the social and economic capacity of the children.
  • To give them the skills, knowledge, safety awareness and resources so they can reach their potential.
  • To protect their rights and cultural heritage.
  • To enable the children to have a sense of pride, self-esteem and confidence.
  • To train the children to become self-sufficient in Thailand’s society.
  • To equip the children with skills they can transplant back in their villages to raise the economic level there and be agents of change towards breaking the cycle of poverty.

What Services are Performed by the Rescue Mission for Children

  • Care for vulnerable children of the Akha and other Hill tribes who are at risk of exploitation through failed village economies, sickness and hunger.
  • Provide vulnerable children from Akha and other Hill tribe villages with a basic primary and secondary education including tertiary education if required.
  • Provide religious and spiritual development support.
  • Provide these children with food, shelter, healthcare, education, safety and full care.
