
The children had their school final exams at the end of March. They are all thrilled with their results and now looking forward to the school break.
Before the children go back to their villages to spend the summer holiday with their families, we decided to have special dinner as a reward to their hard work.


The children chose to have sticky rice, fried chicken, pawpaw salad as their main menu followed by flaky snow ice desert. They also wanted to have one more trip to Masuai River to swim before going back up to the villages. So we all jumped into the truck and off to the river. They all had a great time swimming, chasing and laughing. We shared our night watching a movie together.






Jonathan Myer is 8 years old Akha boy who like many come from the Burma border. He has been with us for a year. Jonathan’s family is so poor that his mum and dad were unable to support Jonathan. Jonathan has 4 more siblings that are still living with mum and dad.

Jonathan is a quiet boy, and says very little. With his quiet but friendly personality, he has made quite few friends. This year has been his first experience of school but after a year has settled in well.



After another semester of hard work in school, it’s time for the children to go home, meet up with the family. There is nothing alike going home to be with mum and dad, brothers and sisters. Some of the Stateless children don’t have mum or dad to go back to, so they will spend their holiday with their relatives in the village. The children packed the night before in order to leave early in the morning right after breakfast.

The children were all dressed up in the sport uniform just to let the border patrol police know that they are legally attending a Thai school. We look forward to their return after the holidays.

Thank you for your continued support for the children at the Mission and giving them many opportunities.

Asa Stevenson
General Manager – Akha Academy.

Fund raising for the mission infrastructure maintenance and support is still high on the list of priorities for the mission. So a few board members and supporters are going to Thailand in early May and will assess all the Mission’s support structures for our children.

Another member’s social night is coming up soon. Those evenings continue to raise a great deal of interest and support for the mission. Recent fundraising events included the hosting of a couple of birthday parties by our supporters, asking for donations to Rescue Mission for Children and so raising money rather than present giving. What a wonderful initiative. Thank you to those families for your blessed spirit.


Surpreme Roasters have delivered the first batch of Beautiful Beach Blend Coffee beans and completed the first online transaction. With minor tweaking of the website they are almost ready to roll. So stand by for more Coffee Website News.
We are indebted to Roger Bright at Surpreme Roasters and Stephen Harris at OODA Marketing as well as their teams, who have donated the coffee and website development (respectively) to Rescue Mission for Children.


Their mission is to provide financial assistance to Rescue Mission for Children.Every cup of 100% HELF COFFEE will give these children hope for the future.
God bless you Roger Bright (MD) at Supreme Roasters for your generosity towards Rescue Mission for Children in Thailand.
Please continue to follow us on Facebook, being the latest as it happens and keep us in your hearts.