August News 2014 – No. 1

Thank you for your ongoing support of the Rescue Mission for Children. This is the Fifth of a regular newsletter to keep you informed of what’s happening at the Centre. Each newsletter I will share a little of the journey one child has had before they joined us. This week we decided to take the children in to the shopping mall as the children had never been to a shopping mall before. It was the most wonderful first time experience to know what an escalator is and such a joy to see the children try to put their feet on the right step. We then decided to take the children to the lift and get some children to go inside the lift to go down to another floor, it was truly the most hilarious expression on their faces to see that they are suddenly on a different floor. The children were amazed by the dazzling lights of the shopping mall and had time to play with the Lego at the mall.

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Ae-gum Siamlai is an 8 year old girl who comes from the Burma border and she has been with us for this year. Her family has fled from war and conflict from the neighbouring country, Burma. Ae-gum and her siblings had to walk for miles for months before they reached the Thai border. Ae-gum had never been to school and had no idea what school was. Now she has the stability of one place, can go to school and smiles everyday.

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Dang has been working at the Akha Academy for over 14 years, Dang was trained and has served at the Academy from his teenage years, then he got married. Dang and his wife Abusah were the managers of the Akha Academy. He was the maintenance and handyman at the Akha Academy. Dang is a hard working man despite his physical difficulty he faced on a daily basis due to his health. Today Dang is no longer at the Akha Academy as a full-time staff member, but Dang is a volunteer that still comes in to the Academy on a regular basis.

Thank you for your prayers, love and ongoing support.
Asa Stevenson
General Manager – Akha Academy