Thank you for your ongoing support of the Rescue Mission for Children. This is the first of a regular newsletter to keep you informed of whats happening at the Centre. We currently have 9 boys and 13 girls living in at the moment.
School is in full swing and the children are working hard at their schoolwork. Each morning Prajobe our maintenance man drives the children to school and then collects them each afternoon. After dinner each night the children do their homework with the older ones helping the younger ones when needed. Today is Thursday so the children have sports day at school. Every Thursday they wear sports uniform to school.
This week we have had the Adamson family from Swan Hill, Australia visiting. Michael has had a long involvement with us and this is his fifth visit. He has come with his wife and four children. He has been helping to clean up the workshop and much valuable discussion has been had. The children were treated to chips and ice cream after school.
Feature Child
Each newsletter I will share a little of the journey one child has had before they came to join us. Roongmee who is ten years old comes from the Burma border and she has been with us for this year. Her family has split and Roongme had been living in various households for a long time. Now she has the stability of one place, can go to school and smiles everyday. Her two brothers are with us also.
Feature Staff Member
Lumduan is our Cook and Housemother and has been at the Centre since March and lives onsite with her husband who is in charge of maintenance. Every day Lumduan cooks for all the children and supervises their daily routine including devotion, homework and bedtime. She is much loved.
Thank you for your prayers, love and ongoing support.
Asa Stevenson
General Manager – Akha Academy