July News 2014 – No. 2

Thank you for your ongoing support of the Rescue Mission for Children. This is the Second of a regular newsletter to keep you informed of what’s happening at the Centre. Each newsletter I will share a little of the journey of one child.

It has been the most exciting week for the children as we took the children to the waterfall and the reserve forest for a day out on Sunday after church. We all walked nearly 2 km up such a steep mountain terrain, but everyone did it and we were eager to reach the waterfall. It was worth our efforts to reach the top and experience the natural chilled water like we were in the refrigerator. We had our picnic lunch with long bean-chicken stir fried and green paw-paw salad, the best lunch ever. The best part of all was the children had so much fun playing, swimming and soaking in the refreshing splashing water.


Feature Child

Amue who is an eleven year old girl comes from the Burma border and she’s been with us for 6 years since her preschool level of education. Her family was very poor and had no way of giving her an education, but love to see Amue growing up with a future of education and Godly character. The first time I held her hands as a little girl, her love toward me was just so overwhelming and overtook me. She is now studying in grade 3, primary level. Amue is now the leader of the children at the Centre.


Feature Staff Member

Prajobe is the maintenance man and the driver of the school truck. Every morning he drives the school truck to take the children to school. During the day, Prajobe will do all of the jobs to maintain the Centre, wether the grass needs to be cut or the buildings need to be fixed. By 3.30pm, Prajobe will go to pick up the children from school. Lumduan is his wife who is our Cook and Housemother. Prajobe has been at the Centre since March and lives onsite with his wife Lumduan. Prajobe is a gentle man with a soft heart for the children.
Thank you for your prayers, love and ongoing support.
Asa Stevenson
General Manager – Akha Academy