Thank you for your ongoing support of the Rescue Mission for Children. This is the Second of a regular newsletter to keep you informed of what’s happening at the Centre. Each newsletter I will share a little of the journey one child has had before they joined us. This week has been a week of memories that we will all be proud of. Well over 2,000 coffee seedlings were planted over 4 days of holidays by the children at the Akha Academy. The best hands-on agriculture lesson and the children loved every moment playing with the dirt. The reward the children asked from me was a nice barbecue dinner as a big family together and 30.00 Baht of treats for each child. I am delighted to give the reward they all deserved.
Feature Child
Jeremiah is a seven year old Akha boy who comes from the Burma border and he has been with us for this year. His family has split and Jeremiah had been living in various households for a long time. Now he has the stability of one place, can go to school and smiles everyday. Jeremiah’s sister and younger brother are with us also.
Feature Staff Member
Abusah has been working at the Akha Academy for over 10 years. She is the most diligent, hard working, faithful and reliable pillar of the centre. Abusah has managed and physically taken care of the children at the centre. Abusah and her husband Dang worked and served at the centre since the beginning. Her husband Dang also volunteered to help with the needs of the centre.
Thank you for your prayers, love and ongoing support.
Asa Stevenson
General Manager – Akha Academy